Living With Covid: Cafes Edition (Insta Worthy Places)
Diposkan oleh Emily Hong pada

One of the activities we miss doing during Covid would be hanging out with our friends. Catching up with each other's life, having a fresh grind cuppa coffee with a slice of scrumptious cake just makes the weekend perfect. To complete the experience, share your wonderful day on social media with the cafe's unique and beautiful aesthetics interior design. There are a few insta worthy cafes around for you to hang out with friends and family. Burrow Photo: @burrow.kl (Instagram) Photo: @burrow.kl (Instagram) Address : Burrow BSC, LOT GK12, Ground Floor, Bangsar Shopping Centre, 59000 Kuala Lumpur Hours : 7:30am - 7pm (Close...
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- Tag: Covid, LivingWithCovid
Living with Covid - Indoor Activities In KL & Selangor
Diposkan oleh Emily Hong pada

Exercising is important for all of us as it helps with gaining, losing or maintaining our weight. But that's not all it does; exercising improves your memory and brain functions, protecting you from many chronic diseases, lowering your blood pressure and much more! After knowing all the great benefits, does it makes you want to workout more? Yes? But you don't like the same old boring workout routine and under the hot sun? No worries, you can still keep an active lifestyle and have fun at the same time with indoors activities! Invite your family and friends along and get healthy...
Living with Covid: Balik Kampung Edition!
Diposkan oleh Emily Hong pada

So close, yet so far! Whilst we wait for our government to prepare the interstate travel SOPs, let's check out what are the things KL-langs and Selangor-langs can look forward to! This is especially endearing to those who left their homes and families behind to travel to other states for better work opportunities. We can only imagine what it's been like and now that discussions have opened, we're more than thrilled for you! It's going to be great when we can visit our parents, children, sister, brothers or spouse when the interstate travel ban has been lifted. We're a bunch of foodies so...
Living with Covid: Outdoor Activities Edition
Diposkan oleh Ask Omni pada

As we all know Covid has changed our lives. During this pandemic we left our normal life and did our part as a responsible citizen by staying at home. With our Trade Minister announcing that Covid will be treated as an 'endemic' around end-October there are things we can start looking forward to. Let's recall all the activities we might have lost touch with. Connect with nature & exciting activities Being cooped up indoors might have caused many of us to lose touch with nature. Let's look at some "proper" outdoor activities; enjoy the fresh air and get our body active again....
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- Tag: LivingWithCovid, Tips, Trends
Be Kind to Your Mind - Mental Heath Awareness
Diposkan oleh Emily Hong pada

COVID-19 has a major impact on our lives that has effectively changed our livelihood and day-to-day routines that pushes us to face unexpected events, challenges and for many, sadly to the brink of no turning back. It's been over a year now and with the rising of Covid-19 cases, extended nationwide movement control order (MCO) and job recessions, this has greatly impacted the mental health of the majority of us. As scary as it may sounds, mental health issue is common where anyone of any age, sex, income or ethnicity could be effected.We would like to let you know that you’re not...