Benefits of Alternative Fuels

Posted by Ask Omni on

When you hear the term “go green”, the first thing that comes to mind would swing towards efforts in reducing the carbon footprint, using less paper and conserving energy. But what about our cars? Where do they fit in? As it turns out, most carmakers in the market today are churning their drive towards the greener and more efficient route. 

In Malaysia, there are two different types of fuel source which is commonly used by the general public. Those fuels are petrol and diesel. Both of which have been around since the late 1800s. Which does pose a question. How much longer will these fuel sources be around for? Which is why we should start looking at alternative fuel sources. As such, this article will tell you more about the types of alternative fuel and whether or not Malaysia is ready for it.


Types of alternative fuel

When asked about the types of alternative fuels, there is a multitude of options on the market today, but not all of which are ready for consumer use. Nevertheless, the list of alternative fuels is as shown below.

  • NGV

  • Electric Vehicle

  • Hydrogen

  • Biodiesel


Of course, not all of the alternative fuels listed above are available for usage in Malaysia, let alone do we have cars which can support them. As for those which do use alternative fuels, these are more commonly found in the red and blue taxis which are NGVs or Natural Gas Vehicles and a small number of electric cars running about the city, the popular majority falls to petrol and diesel vehicles. 



Hydrogen is another alternative which is becoming more and more common in the market. Car makers have been doing a lot of testing and research and development (R&D) to ensure the fuel is safe. Fun fact. Hydrogen is one of the most innovative types of alternative fuels in the market today. In a nutshell, a hydrogen powered car is more efficient than a natural combustion engine and has better range than an electric car. Also, for those worried about the long recharging times, you’ll be pleased to know that refuelling is just like pumping gasoline in your car. 



Other than those mentioned, another alternative fuel which has potential in Malaysia comes in the form of biodiesel. Essentially, biodiesel is based on animal fats and vegetable oils. The latter can also be recycled after being used in restaurants. But, how can this be used in our current diesel cars? It’s simple. With a quick conversion called transesterification, you can burn biodiesel even in its purest form. Speaking of which, the largest source of biodiesel can be acquired from oil crops such as rapeseed, palm or soybean.


Electric Vehicle (EV)

For those who prefer the pure electric route, EVs are all the rage in the market today. With carmakers churning out more and more electric cars than one can even count. Tesla was the first in recent years to bring back the popularity and practicality of electric cars. Of course, having an electric car means there will be no greenhouse gases and any form of carbon emissions. 


Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV)

For those who know, NGVs are most commonly used in taxis. So, there must be a reason as to why they are always sought after by taxi companies. As it turns out, natural gas is priced at a much cheaper price as compared to regular gasoline. In fact, if you’re using this system in your car, you can save up to 50% of your petrol bills. Another plus point for NGVs is that the mass of the gas itself is so light, it practically vanishes into thin air in the event of a leak.



All in all, alternative fuel is something to look forward to. Especially with the growing potential and infrastructures we have in Malaysia. When the time comes where petrol and diesel is a thing of the past, these alternatives will serve as the best substitutes in the market. Now for the important question. Are you ready for these alternative fuels, Malaysians?

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