Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Is The Future

Posted by Ask Omni on

In this modern day and age, we Malaysians are striving to develop new and innovative products for the consumer market. We’ve got new smart technology in multiple categories. Be it for home appliances, gadgets and even industrial technology. However, our country hasn’t seen a full fledged roll out of smart technology in the mobility sector. This is where the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) bill comes in. But, what is MaaS? Allow me to explain.



Key Concept of MaaS

MaaS works to put the consumers in the epicentre of the transportation hub, giving consumers a variety of options for commuting based on their personal needs. To elaborate, you as a consumer will be able to gain access to the mode of transportation most suited to you in a bundle of flexible travel service varieties in the market.


How does it relate to consumers?

Firstly, our cities which was once just a city by name and form, will soon be transformed into a smart city. How is this possible you may ask? The MaaS project will convert the current buildings into smart cities with the use of advanced smart infrastructures. Not only that, for the consumers, there will be a long list of smart tools for better and more intuitive interaction between man and technology.

All this means that the rudimental way of commuting will be heightened to a smarter one. Giving consumers an even easier way to commute. The overall objective of this project is to reduce the number of private cars on the road and to utilize the number of alternative transportation modes.


What is the future of MaaS for Malaysians?

Quite frankly, there is a multitude of possibilities that can happen with the integration of MaaS in Malaysia. The amount of potential is truly limitless for businesses and consumers alike. For example, this move will provide huge benefits for fleet owners as they can manage each and everyone of their cars via one smart app.

Another point of view as to how MaaS can boost Malaysia’s mobility system is through the emergence of alternative transportation. In a nutshell, utilizing alternative transportation can further reduce the number of privately owned cars on the road. Imagine being able to use multiple modes of transportation such as car sharing services, trains and buses without having to jump from one station to another. Wouldn’t that be a sign of relief for commuters?


How is this relevant to the transport services department?

Currently, the mode of transportation available in Malaysia is segregated into individual categories such as buses, taxis and trains. They’re divided into separate bubbles which don’t interlink in any way. However, with the MaaS project, all of this will soon be integrated into one major group and offer suitable plans and payment options for the end consumers.



To conclude the article, the move to initiate the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) project is a smart move. When it is implemented with full functionality, consumers will be able to commute more easily, and it also means that there could possibly be lesser cars on the road thus reducing the carbon footprint amount which in turn, also reduces the amount of CO2 emissions.  

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