Be Kind to Your Mind - Mental Heath Awareness
Emily Hong அன்று இடுகையிட்டார்
COVID-19 has a major impact on our lives that has effectively changed our livelihood and day-to-day routines that pushes us to face unexpected events, challenges and for many, sadly to the brink of no turning back.
It's been over a year now and with the rising of Covid-19 cases, extended nationwide movement control order (MCO) and job recessions, this has greatly impacted the mental health of the majority of us.
As scary as it may sounds, mental health issue is common where anyone of any age, sex, income or ethnicity could be effected.We would like to let you know that you’re not alone and here are a few tips on how you can reduce stress and take care of your well-being.

if you're seeking for help and facing financial issue, here is a list of a few affordable mental health care services providers in Malaysia that you can check out:
Centre for Psychological and Counselling Services by HELP University
Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA)
The Mind Faculty
HumanKind Community Counselling
Mental Illness Awareness and Support Association (MIASA)
MentCouch Psychology Centre
Association of Private Counselors Malaysia
The Red Clinic
Thrive Well
Talian Buddy Bear ( Children )