6 Ways To Improve On Fleet Vehicle Tracking Using Telematics

Ask Omni 发布

There are more to telematics rather than mere GPS tracking. With fleet management system are more robust today, there are many features that could help you increase fleet productivity.


Gauging Maintenance Schedule

Telematics can provide engine hour data to give you live metrics on when you should schedule your next preventive maintenance. This can diminish breakdowns, lessen the time a vehicle is out for the count and allow you to decide when to replace them.

Reducing Idling Time

With the use of fleet management data, you are able to teach your drivers the correct way to handle the vehicles, which include shutting off the engine when loading or unloading. Idling causes more damage than stopping and starting an engine. The benefits of reducing idling are able to reduce wear and tear on the vehicles, resulting in fewer maintenance issues down the line.

Eliminate Inefficient Fleet Vehicle

Rather than following to a scheduled timeline of replacing vehicles, let your fleet management system inform you which vehicles are underutilised. You are able to determine whether there are other areas for your fleet vehicles to be utilised to its full capacity. Otherwise, you can trade off the inefficient vehicle for cash flow or pay the upfront for your new vehicle.

Improved Live Tracking

Fleet management system eliminates the guesswork from knowing when a vehicle is out on the road or making a delivery. With more accurate data, you can allocate your resources efficiently in order to spares you extra time and cash with regards to manage dispatch employment, charging arrangements, and mitigate burglary. In short, better tracking improves overall billing processes.

Improved Routing

An effective fleet management allows the ease of planning, monitoring, and communicating. You can arrange drivers with the fastest and most efficient route to job-sites. The integration and correlation of routing data with other fleet data could generate more accurate estimated arrival time in order to accommodate businesses with narrow fulfilment windows or when late deliveries have high penalties.

Monitor Driver’s Safety

Without appropriate directions and route planning, your drivers could easily be confused. If a vehicle is stolen, having it equipped with a tracking device can increase chances of being found. You can provide police authorities with information regarding on the vehicle’s location and whether it is stopped or moving, which could help them to respond quickly. Tracking metrics like hard-braking, speeding and seat belt use can help prevent incidents or help clear up disputed events between your drivers and other vehicles out on the road.

No matter how long or short a route may be, being prepared is a significant factor in risk reduction. With Omnimatics Fleet, you can monitor your driver’s driving behaviour to keep everyone safe on the road.


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